I present you some of the printed back covers of "Las Aventuras de Cepillín" (1977-1979), where I made several sections, among them "Learn to Draw" and "Cepillin's Zoo". Cepillín was a famous clown that in the 70's apeared in Mexican TV. In those days I was starting to learn how to handle the Ink Pen and the India Ink... It was a torture!
Aquí les presento algunos impresos de las contraportadas de "Las Aventuras de Cepillín" (1977-79), donde hacía varias secciones, entre estas: "Aprende a Dibujar" y "El Zoológico de Cepillín". Cepillín era un famoso payaso que salía en la Televisión Mexicana en los setentas. En esos tiempos comenzaba a aprender a manejar la plumilla y la tinta china...¡Era un martirio!
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